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Loading certificate in Azure App Service for Linux

In this post, I will explain how you can load a certificate through code in Azure App Service for a Linux container. The steps to use a certificate in Azure App Service are already described in Microsoft documentation. However, I found a couple of gaps in the documentation specifically for Linux. Hence, I decided to write this post.

To follow along you would need an App Service for Linux hosted on Azure.

Why need a certificate

There are various reasons you may need to access a certificate in your code, like encryption/ decryption, authentication, authorization and so on. For example, Raven DB requires a private client certificate to allow access to the data store.

Step 1: Upload your certificate

You can upload the certificate in different ways, such as directly through the portal, Azure CLI or CI/CD pipeline.

A private certificate uploaded to Azure portal.

Tip: Certificate, its thumbprint and passphrase key for a private certificate are sensitive information. DO NOT store them in your source control.

Step 2: Make your certificate accessible

To access your certificate, through code, you need to make it accessible by creating an app setting WEBSITE_LOAD_CERTIFICATES . WEBSITE_LOAD_CERTIFICATES should be set to comma-separated values of certificate thumbprints.


WEBSITE_LOAD_CERTIFICATES is a magic app setting that makes your certificates accessible to your application. For Linux container, it keeps the private certificates at the location /var/ssl/private and public certificates at /var/ssl/certs.

You can view the certificates by logging intossh at https://YOUR_APP_SERVICE_NAME.scm.azurewebsites.net/webssh/host

Note: Azure App service accepts a certificate of .pfx and .cer formats only. It then exposes them as .p12 and .der formats respectively.

For a windows container, Azure App Service automatically exposes the certificate paths through environment variables such as WEBSITE_PRIVATE_CERTS_PATH, WEBSITE_PUBLIC_CERTS_PATH. Unfortunately, you either need to set the environment variables manually or hard code the certificate path in your code for a Linux container.

STEP 3: Accessing certificate in C# code

Finally, you can access certificate in your C# code as shown below:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
public static class CertificateExtensions
// Private certificatePath: $"/var/ssl/private/{thumbprint}.p12"
// Public certificatePath: $"/var/ssl/certs/{thumbprint}.der"
public static X509Certificate2 LoadCertificate(string thumbprint, string certificatePath)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(thumbprint))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(thumbprint));
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(certificatePath))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(certificatePath));
var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(certificatePath);
var certificate = new X509Certificate2(bytes);
return certificate;
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Note: To load a private certificate (p12), you do not need to supply a passphrase/ password. I found it the hard way since the code snippet to load a private certificate was missing in the Microsoft documentation. I have raised a PR to fix this. At the time of writing the PR is still in review.


3 responses to “Loading certificate in Azure App Service for Linux”

  1. Martin Andersson Avatar
    Martin Andersson

    In your Note, it says “you do not need to supply a passphrase/ password.”
    We also found out the hard way (after two days of debugging/logging, et.c.) that in fact you SHOULD NOT provide a password, because that was what broke it. Really non-intuitive there.
    Thank you anyway for your helpful post.


  2. tutike2000 Avatar

    Sadly I’m just getting an “You do not have permission to view this directory” exception when trying to read the certificate. I can see the file when SSH-ing into the server


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